

Tuesday Program

The Tuesday Program Team designs the content and arranges for the presenters at the Club’s weekly Tuesday evening program sessions.


Planning for next season generally starts in late spring with a discussion on appropriate subject balance, identifying potential speakers and striving for a balance between external speakers, member presentations and regular features such as Competitions, Inter-Club evenings, and special Showcases.


Once a draft Program Calendar has been developed, individual Team members take the lead on contacting external speakers or coordinating member presentations. The Team generally meets about three or four times a year. Much of its work is done through email exchanges between meetings.


Club members are encouraged to provide suggestions for topics and speakers to the Team at any time of the year.



Tuesday Program

Tuesday Program Chair-Andrew Fraser
Tuesday Program Chair
Andrew Fraser
Tuesday Program Assistant-Lise Presseault
Tuesday Program Assistant
Lise Presseault
Tuesday Program Assistant-Anna Nitoslawska
Tuesday Program Assistant
Anna Nitoslawska
Tuesday Program Assistant-Ann Westell
Tuesday Program Assistant
Ann Westell
Tuesday Program Assistant-Maureen Murphy
Tuesday Program Assistant
Maureen Murphy
Tuesday Program Assistant-Francois Gadoury
Tuesday Program Assistant
Francois Gadoury
Tuesday Program Assistant-Abigail Gossage
Tuesday Program Assistant
Abigail Gossage
Tuesday Program Assistant-Glenn Bloodworth
Tuesday Program Assistant
Glenn Bloodworth
Tuesday Program Assistant-Mark Guzewski
Tuesday Program Assistant
Mark Guzewski
Tuesday Program Assistant-Bill McCloskey
Tuesday Program Assistant
Bill McCloskey
Tuesday Program Assistant-Wilfred Oberthier
Tuesday Program Assistant
Wilfred Oberthier
Monthly Showcase Coordinator-Mike MacKay
Monthly Showcase Coordinator
Mike MacKay
Digital System Support-John Elliott
Digital System Support
John Elliott


Competition Information

The Club holds competitions throughout the year.  Competitions leaders organize the receipt, presentation and return of entries, arrange for contest judges, and supervise judging. 

Competition rules may be found here.  

Image Size Requirements

Image Size: 1920W x 1080H pixels .
File Size: 3.2 Mb maximum
Colour Space: sRGB If you use Adobe RGB instead, your images will likely look washed out.

Standard test image

The Club uses this image to help ensure correct projector adjustment. If you can see all of the whites and all of the blacks in this image and it looks good on your monitor, then your images should look good when projected with the Club projector.



Competitions Committee

Competitions Coordinator-Manfred Mueller
Competitions Coordinator
Manfred Mueller
Competitions Assistant-Glenn Bloodworth
Competitions Assistant
Glenn Bloodworth
Competitions Assistant-Sherry McLean
Competitions Assistant
Sherry McLean
Competitions Assistant-Andrew Mostowski
Competitions Assistant
Andrew Mostowski
Competitions Assistant (Judges)-Elaine Hum-Sim
Competitions Assistant (Judges)
Elaine Hum-Sim
Digital System Support-John Elliott
Digital System Support
John Elliott
Competitions CAPA Liaison-Manfred Mueller
Competitions CAPA Liaison
Manfred Mueller



The Education Team develops and runs presentations, seminars, and workshops with the intent of informing and inspiring Club members to develop their photography skills. The aim is to provide access to a wide variety of learning opportunities from beginner to advanced level photographers. In recent years topics have ranged from essential photography skills, such as exposure and focusing, to specialized tools and techniques, such as astrophotography, post-processing workflow, or lighting a still life.

Club members can check the Event Sign-up page (click here).   Upcoming presentations, seminars, and workshops are also announced at the regular Tuesday evening meetings. 

Usually, the presentations and workshops are delivered by club member volunteers who have specific areas of photographic expertise; sometimes external presenters are invited to share their knowledge. For most presentations and workshops, no fees are charged except in cases where there needs to be cost recovery for materials, such as a workshop on mat cutting, for example. Most presentations, seminars, and workshops run for an hour or two, with some extending to a half day or whole day events. There is usually at least one presentation, seminar, or workshop each month from October to May.




Education Team

Education Coordinator-Ross Laing
Education Coordinator
Ross Laing
Instructor-Manfred Mueller
Manfred Mueller
Instructor-Robert Laramée
Robert Laramée
Instructor-Brian Mazur
Brian Mazur
Instructor-Bill Woodley
Bill Woodley
Instructor-Cajo Brando
Cajo Brando
Instructor-Nicholas Birkett
Nicholas Birkett
Assistant-Elizabeth Ruddick
Elizabeth Ruddick
Assistant-Marcia Rutland
Marcia Rutland


The Social Team acts as a welcoming committee to Club members and visitors at the regular Tuesday meetings.  They organize occasional flea markets throughout the  year.

The team also organizes two major events: the Christmas Party and the Annual Awards Banquet.

The Christmas Party is an informal, fun evening which includes door prizes, “humour” and “best shot” competitions.

The Annual Awards Banquet is held at the end of the regular Club season in May.  It includes the presentation of both photographic and volunteer awards, and some fun activities. 




Social Committee

Social Coordinator-Beverley Dawson
Social Coordinator
Beverley Dawson
Social Assistant-Elaine Hum-Sim
Social Assistant
Elaine Hum-Sim
Social Assistant-Andrea Schlecht
Social Assistant
Andrea Schlecht

New Members Team

The New Members Group's goal is to offer new members support and provide introductions to the RA Photo Club’s many areas of activities and programs. By participating in the New Members Committee meetings, your knowledge of the Club will be improved and allow you to foster a friendship with other new members.

Regardless of your skill level, joining a photography club or returning after a period of absence can sometimes be intimidating. We intend to alleviate concerns that you might have by acting as a bridge to our Club. We offer a wide variety of opportunities that you can pursue to further your interest in photography. Regardless of your level of photographic experience, we hope to make your membership as rewarding to you as possible. As you learn, explore and contribute you will greatly benefit from being a member of the RA Photo Club.

Our New Members meetings are scheduled for one hour prior (6:15 p.m.-7:15 p.m.) to the RA Photo Club’s general meeting on a bi-weekly basis. (See the Home page, bottom, right corner for the meeting topics).  Typically a short free-flowing question and answer period is followed by the introduction of a representative who presents a particular facet of the Club. An example of this could be the Urban Group where their types of activities are outlined along with any scheduled events and showcases, and perhaps a display of works from previous outings, workshops or lectures. The representative would then be available for questions.



New Members

New Members Coordinator-Kipper Trevorrow
New Members Coordinator
Kipper Trevorrow
New Members Assistant-Robert Laramée
New Members Assistant
Robert Laramée
New Members Assistant-Randle Wilson
New Members Assistant
Randle Wilson
New Members Assistant-Linda Johnston
New Members Assistant
Linda Johnston
New Members Assistant-Douglas Spry
New Members Assistant
Douglas Spry