
Special Interest Groups

Group Feedback


The Feedback Group meets the first Wednesday of the month from October to May to give photographers an opportunity for informal feedback on each other’s work. Whatever one’s level of photographic skill, everyone can benefit from feedback and advice on how to improve images. New members are particularly welcome to take part.

During the Feedback meeting, group members respond by highlighting what they like about an image, and to suggest ways in which the image might be improved, or another direction they would have taken in processing the image.

The aim is to help each other develop an eye for what makes an attractive, compelling image, regardless of subject matter or medium.

Feedback is always given in a sensitive and supportive manner and provides an excellent opportunity for learning how others view your work.

To sign up, click here.


What do you like? What would you change?



Light: Colour, quantity, quality, direction, temperature

Focus: Sharpness, appropriate depth of field

Exposure: Appropriate exposure

Colours: Appropriate colours

Cleanliness: Free of scratches and dust



Purpose: A strong centre of interest, pattern, or design

Balance: Position with the frame, use of negative space

Logic: Arrangement of the elements supports the purpose

Clarity: Simple and complete without distracting elements

Creative: Familiar subject in an unusual way



Dynamic: Wow factor

Provocative: Excites imagination or strong emotion

Unusual: An unusual subject or an unusual approach






Group Feedback

Feedback Coordinator-Francois Gadoury
Feedback Coordinator
Francois Gadoury



All Club members are welcome to participate in Nature outings. 

Outings are announced throughout the year.  In past years, outings included such places as Mud Lake, Gatineau Park, Snow Geese pursuits, and many more!   

The Event and Program calendar shows the scheduled outings. 

As well, outings are announced at the start of the weekly Club meeting and members will be notified via email.







Nature Group

Nature Coordinator-Paul E Bertelmann
Nature Coordinator
Paul E Bertelmann
Assistant-Lee Ann Starzynski
Lee Ann Starzynski
Assistant-Valerie Bott
Valerie Bott


The Urban Group is a special interest group of the Club focused on shooting "people in their environment" and "urban landscapes". Environmental shooting includes street photography, people at events, or people in their work or play setting. Urban Landscape photography involves looking for the photographic possibilities in the cities and urban areas where we live and work. The group organizes outings in and around the city.  At the end of the year, members are invited to submit images for a showcase. 

The Event and Program calendar shows the scheduled outings.  

As well, outings are announced at the start of the weekly Club meeting and members will be notified via email.


Urban Group

Urban Coordinator-Hughes St-Pierre
Urban Coordinator
Hughes St-Pierre
Assistant-Jeanne Laux
Jeanne Laux
Assistant-Abigail Gossage
Abigail Gossage
Assistant-Glenn Bloodworth
Glenn Bloodworth

Life, Faces & Figures

The Life, Faces and Figures Group aims to support the club members interested in exploring controlled lighting in photography.  Much activity revolves around photographing people.  

Photo shoots and workshops covering many ways of photographing people are scheduled throughout the year, some aimed at basic skill development, others aimed at providing creative opportunities.  

There will be a charge for most workshops and photo-shoots, to cover the costs of models and make-up when relevant. 

The Event and Program Calendar shows the scheduled activities.

As well, workshops and photo shoots are announced at the start of the weekly Club meeting and members will be notified via email.




Life, Faces & Figures Group

Life, Faces & Figures Coordinator-Mike MacKay
Life, Faces & Figures Coordinator
Mike MacKay
Life, Faces & Figures Assistant-Wilfred Oberthier
Life, Faces & Figures Assistant
Wilfred Oberthier

Still Life

The Still Life Group is the RAPC’s newest special interest group, with the objective to hold meetings and studio sessions to facilitate RAPC members’ advancement in the art and craft of still life photography, by examining the work of the genre’s ‘masters’, developing knowledge & skills in the proper use of relevant equipment, and enhancing understanding of the optics and ‘language’ of still life.

The Event and Program Calendar shows the scheduled activities.

As well, workshops are announced at the start of the weekly Club meeting and members will be notified via email.



Still Life Group

Still Life Coordinator-Allan B Cameron
Still Life Coordinator
Allan B Cameron
Assistant-Maureen Murphy
Maureen Murphy
Assistant-Glenn Bloodworth
Glenn Bloodworth
Assistant-Manfred Mueller
Manfred Mueller

Fine Art

The Fine Art Group meets about once a month from October to April.

The Group promotes photography as one of the fine arts.  It organizes outings and visits to art galleries in the city.   

The Event and Program calendar shows the scheduled outings.  

As well, outings are announced at the start of the weekly Club meeting and members will be notified via email.




Fine Art Group

Fine Art Assistant-Glenn Bloodworth
Fine Art Assistant
Glenn Bloodworth
Fine Art Assistant-Lise Presseault
Fine Art Assistant
Lise Presseault
Fine Art Assistant-Jeanne Laux
Fine Art Assistant
Jeanne Laux